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1 888 Grow Hydro
(we love it)
Our site is dedicated to products and information on growing orchids
in hydroculture. Hydroculture sometimes called hydroponics is
a soilfree method of plant culture. Orchids love growing in our
hydroculture / hydroponic system and require less care than other
growing mediums. The hydroculture / hydroponic system is also
environmentally friendly because it is 100% recyclable. For more
information on Hydroculture Click

I am very appreciative of your customer service. I'm happy
to give you a positive review anytime. I would also like
to purchase another orchid to give as a gift. Can you give
me a rec for an orchid you could ship along with mine that
is an easy care variety?
I want to thank you for this wonderful little orchid, I
waited patiently everyday to see anything beginning to bug.
Right now it is in full bloom, I never saw anything so beautiful.
Thank you, I am so happy.
I transplanted all my other orchids into your hydro pots
& so far so good. I had an old orchid just got done
blooming, I am happier still. The other orchids are showing
new growth, & I am following your instructions. I am
so glad I found you. I won't be growing orchids in any other
medium but yours.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Hello Annie,
I just wanted to let you know that the orchids arrived safe
and sound. My Colmonara "Bobcat" is starting to
bloom and is beautiful. I am so excited to see the others
in bloom.
I also wanted to let you know that the Phalaenopsis (I-Hsin
Pink Face X I Hsin Barbie) that had lost all of his roots
when I did the transplant into the Hydropot is now giving
me some extremely nice roots that I will have to make sure
go into the pot.
All my orchids that I transplanted are loving their new
pots and I am so pleased to see that they are doing well.
I honestly used to have a black thumb where they were concerned,
but now I see that I can grow beautiful orchids.
Thank you so much for all of your help! I will definitely
be purchasing more orchids in the future.
Michelle Q
Hi Annie,
I ordered 2 orchids on aug. 3, 2006 for my daughter-in-law
in Lubbock Tx.(west texas)(very dry weather)
these are the orchids she received
Phal. Malibu Bistro & Encyclia cochleata
Well here it is Feb 10 2007 and the last of eight blooms
on the Phal. just fell off BUT
in the mean time another shoot sprouted and is taller than
the first and has eight more buds!
WILL IT EVER DIE! Should she now cut the first shoot back
to the leaves?
Also the Encyclia cochleata has had one bloom after another
since Aug.
Just a good news note to let you know how happy we are with
your product
John U
Hi Annie,
I just wanted to send you a message. I just joined your
Orchid of the Month club and received my first orchid. The
first bloom has opened and it's spectacular. The plant was
so secure upon arrival and was quite mature and healthy
I was extremely pleased. I try to keep my orchids indoors,
but they get some light just not too much. I recently ordered
a grow light and should have it early next week to place
in my dining room in a corner I have near a window (not
much direct light comes in but the breeze/air circulation
is what I'm mostly after) which should help to complete
all the needs of the plant. The hydropot provides correct
watering needs and humidity, the window helps with air circulation
and the grow light will provide the adequate amount of light
to help maintain all my orchid babies.
This is the first time I've tried using a hydropots for
growing orchids and I must say, the three species that I
transplanted into the pots that I ordered are very very
happy. They've grown so much it's amazing. I never knew
the impact that this type of watering/container could have
on my plants.
A few months back I had quite a large collection but little
by little it got smaller and smaller. Some plants were not
getting enough light and/or water so I've been keeping them
outside and as they bounce back I've brought them back in.
Now, I'll be sure to get hydro pots for all of them since
I'm convinced that this it the ticket to long lasting healthy
orchids. I'm so thankful to have found your site and product.
I can't wait to get my monthly orchids it's like a little
surprise every time....now I'm sure to have the best and
unique orchid collection around. Thanks again!
Kind Regards,
Annie R